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Updated: Jun 6, 2022


Michael in high school on the left, and Michelle on the right before all of her expensive makeovers.


According to mainstream media and sources, Michelle Obama was born on January 17, 1964, as “Michelle LaVaughn Robinson,” Other sources say she was born as a male named “Michael.” Her middle name, “LaVaughn,” is almost exclusively a man’s name. Barack Obama did refer to his wife as “Michael” in one public speech and Joan Rivers--who knew everyone and everything-- called her a “tranny” at the same time she called Barack, “gay.”

If you take a close look at her photos from high school, including some posted by major news stations, you will find that many of them have been doctored to make a male look like a female. For example, in one photo they obviously put on fake hair and used someone else’s body wearing a dress. Then they featured a male’s head and face, presumably “Michael,” and called it “Michelle.” These older black and white photos are easy to figure out with today’s high-tech software. When “Michelle” danced on the Ellen Degeneres Show in tight white pants, “male” bulges and shapes in her pants, in motion, were hard to dispute. Barack Obama referred to Michelle as “Michael” in a televised, live speech to Admiral Mullen.

If you look at Michelle's forearms prior to 2017 in photos, they look muscular and are shaped like a man's forearms. If you took at photos starting in 2018, her forearms are razor thin and look weird compared to her upper arm. She may have had forearm reduction surgery which often leaves a scar. Her forearms are often photo-shopped.

Birth certificate copies and photos are easily faked. Without a legitimate DNA test that is made public, it is very difficult to prove her gender either way. Let’s play along and call “her,” ”Michelle,” for now, and assume a female gender until it is proven otherwise. If she was indeed born a male, then her promoted marriage to Barack and claim to two naturally born daughters has to be one of the biggest frauds in history. Class action lawsuits anyone?

If it is Michael instead of Michelle, then the big push by the Democrats on LGBTQ means it was more than a push against Christians. The Obamas' addiction to LGBTQ issues would have also represented a personal drive to legitimize Michael as a transsexual. Gay marriage expanded as a legal institution in all 50 states by 2015, It was only legal in one state in 2004. In Illinois, where the Obamas were married, same-sex marriage would not be legalized until 2013 with a big push for it starting about a year or so before Obama was elected the first term as President. The Obamas were married on October 3, 1992, so it was not a legal marriage if “Michelle” was a man.

The thrust of transsexuals into the media and show and tell at elementary schools would be part of this process of "Michael and Transvestite Legitimization.”

But even if Michelle were not a man, there is still plenty of fraud and corruption shown from her, racism, and a general hatred for America and love for Communism.

So without that DNA confirmation from multiple and independent sources, let’s call Michael, “MIchelle” for the purposes of this book.


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